
    Rise of Kingdoms map guide


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    An introductory guide to the best map of the rise of kingdoms Each kingdom server has a unique map that can make the game dynamic, different and interesting. The world map of the rise of the kingdom is the cradle of civilization where life originated.

    It comes with everything you need to get started with your first city and later as the game progresses. Which is why it is important that you learn the characteristics and forms of each stage, structures and those who inhabit the territory.

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    In this Rise of Kingdoms world map guide, we are going to talk about:

    §  Zones

    §  Holy Sites

    §  Kingdom Buffs

    §  King Skills

    §  Lost Kingdom

    Without further ado, let’s dive in to learn more about your map and how you can use these knowledge to plan ahead of your rivals!

    Table of Contents

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    Main Rise of Kingdoms Map

    The Main Kingdom is the main map where all governors are born and settled. It is divided in 3 Zones that are separated by rigid mountains and passes. Only the alliances that control the passes may advance to the next zone.

    As you advance to the next zone, you will see different characteristics including stronger barbarian armies, higher level resource points and new holy sites that your alliances must capture in order to gain buffs.

    Therefore it’s important for both new and veteran players to know the place where we live.




    Resource Point

    Holy Sites

    Barbarians Forts


    Level 1-10

    Food Level 1/2/3

    Wood Level 1/2/3

    Stone Level 1/2/3

    Gold Level 1/2/3

    Gems Level 1

    Altars & Sanctums

    Level 1/2/3


    Level 11-19

    Food Level 4/5/6

    Wood Level 4/5/6

    Stone Level 4/5/6

    Gold Level 4/5/6

    Gems Level 1/2


    Level 3/4/5


    Level 20-25

    Food Level 4/5/6

    Wood Level 4/5/6

    Stone Level 4/5/6

    Gold Level 4/5/6

    Gems Level 1/2

    Lost Temple

    Level 4/5

    Important Note: As the Kingdom ages in time, barbarians, resource points and barbarian forts can appear in any zone even around the Holy Sites at any level and becomes more frequent.



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    Passes are a form of neutral structure that controls who can advance to the next zone in Rise of Kingdoms. By capturing the Pass, your alliance members and you can teleport to the next zone. There’s a period of protection that prevents other alliances from attacking these passes.

    The protection period ends once the Scroll of the Kingdom advances. When your alliance plans to attack the passes, they have units (NPCs) that will defend them until they are defeated. These units will not allow anyone to advance to the next level unless the passes are captured.

    Passes can be only attacked by alliances that have buildings adjacent to them.

    Holy Sites: Sanctums, Altars, Shrines and Lost Temple

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    In Rise of Kingdoms, there are holy sites scattered around the map. Capturing them gives your alliance members buffs. Though, capturing holy sites that grant the same buffs do not stack. Having two Wisdom Altars do not give you +10% Research Speed, only +5% Research speed is given.

    Which is why it is important that you diversify your holy sites to maximize buffs gained. When you capture one of these holy sites, they will gain a temporary protective shield that prevents it from being attacked for 3 days.

    These holy sites can be attacked by any alliances that are adjacent to their territory.


    Found in Zone 1

    §  Sanctum of Courage: Commander EXP Gain + 10%

    §  Sanctum of Wind: March Speed + 5%

    §  Sanctum of Blood: Troop Health 2%

    §  Sanctum of Hope: Gathering Speed + 5%


    Found in Zone 1.

    §  Earth Altar: Building Speed + 5%

    §  Wisdom Altar: Research Speed + 5%

    §  Harvest Altar: Resource Production + 10%

    §  Storm Altar: Training Speed + 5%

    §  Surge Altar: Troop defense + 3%

    §  Flame Altar; Troop Attack + 3%


    Found in Zone 2.

    §  Shrine of Order: Troop defense + 3% and Troop Health + 3%

    §  Shrine of Honor: Rallied Army Attack + 5% and Gathering Speed + 5%

    §  Shrine of Radiance: Action Point Recovery + 20% and Healing Speed + 20%

    §  Shrine of War: Troop Attack + 3% and Training Speed + 10%

    Lost Temple

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    Found in zone 3, the center of the map.

    The Lost Temple is the fundamental structure of the main kingdom that alliance who maintains control of it, its leader will become the king. The leader can use the kingdom to their own advantage including King Skills that can be gifted to members or to punish any Governors.

    The leader of the kingdom will be able to utilize Kingdom Buffs, King Skills, and Kingdom Titles. Which we will further talk more about in the next section.


    Kingdom Buffs

    These are the kingdom buffs. They gives a temporary boost to all governors in the kingdom.

    rise of kingdoms

    From The Ground Up

    Increases building speed by 10% for 4 hours

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    Industrial Revolution

    Increases research speed by 10% for 4 hours

    Mobilize for War

    Increases training speed by 10% for 4 hours


    Favorable Weather

    Increases resource production by 20% for 8 hours

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    Healing First

    Increases healing speed by 30% for 8 hours

    King Skills

    These are the king skills, they give a temporary boost to all governors while benefiting the King of the kingdom.

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    Cost: 4000 Gems. Increases resources gathering speed by 30% for 8 hours   for all Governors of this Kingdom. While the skill is active, 1% of all   resources gathered will be given as taxes to the King, up to a limit of 10   million per resource type.

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    Lock the location of a single Governors City, disabling City Teleport for   15 minutes (cannot target your own Alliance´s members or Kings from other   Kingdoms)

    rise of kingdoms


    Chose a troop to act as the Leader Troop. When this skill is cast, the   Leader Troop will grant a 3% bonus to all damage dealt by nearby troops for   minutes. This skill only enhances troops and rallies fighting on the world   map, and will not enhance troops in a Garrison.

    Kingdom Titles

    These are the kingdom titles. Only the King can assign titles to benefit alliance members or to punish certain governors.

    §  King: Troop Attack +5%, Troop Defense +5%, Troop Health +5%

    §  Queen: Gathering Speed +15%

    §  General: Troop Attack +5%, Troop Defense +5%

    §  Justice: Troop Attack +5%, March Speed +10%

    §  Duke: Troop Defense +5 %, Training Speed +10%

    §  Architect: Building Speed +10%

    §  Scientist: Research Speed +5%, Gold Gathering Speed +10%

    §  Traitor: Troop Attack -3%, Troop Defense -3%

    §  Beggar: Production -10%

    §  Exile: Troop Defense -5%

    §  Slave: Troops Health -5%

    §  Sluggard: March Speed -5%, Training Speed -5%

    §  Fool: Building Speed -5%, Research Speed -5%

    Barbarian Camps and Keeps

    On the Rise of Kingdoms map, you might have seen several mountainous spaces. There are three types of barbarian camps and keeps that comes in these sizes: small, medium and large.

    These barbarians are some of the most elite and strongest forces on the map. Doing them all by yourself is hard and challenging. Which is why it’s recommended that if you want to conquer these barbarian camps and keep, you need to assemble an alliance team to work together.

    The rewards that you get from killing these barbarians and razing their keeps are bountiful compared to regular barbarians. So make sure to scout for nearby barbarian camps and keep to take a chance to farm them. We recommend peacekeeping commanders due to damage bonus and experience gain.

    Small Barbarian Camp

    rise of kingdoms resources

    This is a small barbarian camp. It doesn’t have any keep or towers. Though, there are a lot of elite barbarian armies that roam around. They are a great spot for farming if you need to level your commanders quickly.

    Medium Barbarian Camp


    This is a medium barbarian camp, it will come with a keep which your team and you must destroy. Upon destroying the keep, you will gain a handsome amount of rewards. These medium barbarian camps are slightly hard compared to small barbarian camps but give more rewards.

    Large Barbarian Camp

    rise of kingdoms sales

    Lastly, this is a large barbarian camp. It is absolutely massive and comes with towers, armies and keeps. You will not be able to solo this camp. Therefore, we recommend you to partner with a few alliance members and work together to take this camp down. Rewards gained from this camp are the best compared to other barbarian camps.


    Details and Characteristics Main Kingdom Map

    When you start on a brand new Rise of Kingdoms server, you will see fog and haze all over the map. You must send your scouts to explore the map. By doing so, you will get to discover the kingdom’s riches such as Tribal Villages and Mysterious Caves. If you want to scout map faster, I recommend Japan because they have +30% scout movement speed bonus.

    All Rise of Kingdoms maps will have many alliance deposits which consist of food, wood, stone, and gold. To capture and control these deposits, your alliance must be built within the reach of them to generate resources for all alliance members.

    You will have some capture resource points which your alliance can generate resources over the time for each alliance members:

    §  Alliance Cropland + 2000 / h

    §  Alliance Logging Camp + 2000 / h

    §  Alliance Stone Deposit + 1500 / h

    §  Alliance Gold Deposit + 1000 / h

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    So to sum this up for the Main Kingdom map:

    §  Each holy sites provides permanent buff for your alliance members.

    §  To advance to the next zone, your alliance must capture the pass adjacent to the next level.

    §  Barbarian camps can be found all over the map.

    §  Alliance deposits can be found all over the map and there is no limit on how many you can have within your alliance territory.

    Lost Kingdom (KvK) Map

    The Lost Kingdom becomes available once your kingdom reaches Glory in all of its standards of conquest. On the Lost Kingdom Map, you will face off against 7 other kingdoms for total domination of a single structure in the middle called the Great Ziggurat

    The level of difficulty is much higher thanks to stronger barbarians, high level passes, forts and more. Though, the rewards are totally worth it. No matter how complicated or hard it may be, it’s important that your alliance and yourself make the most out of the Lost Kingdom map because you will reside there for 2 months.

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    Resource Point

    Holy Sites

    Barbarians Forts


    Level 26-30

    Food Level 5/6/7/8

    Wood Level 5/6/7/8

    Stone Level 5/6/7/8

    Gold Level 5/6/7/8

    Gems Level 3

    Crusaders Camps & Ruined Crusader Fortress

    Level 6/7


    Level 31-35

    Food Level 6/7/8/9

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