
    Karuak ekitaldi onenaren gida Rise of Kingdoms

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    Welcome to my guide on Karuak Ceremony for beginners in Rise of Kingdoms rss. Before we talk about the best tips to beat this event and strategies to use. I want to briefly explain what the Karuak Ceremony is about and its purpose.

    Karuak Ceremony is an event that occurs once in a while. Its legends often referred to the Kingdom of Gold, which coveted hidden treasures bridling with luxurious rewards. Though, to get these treasures, you will have to defeat the Karuak barbarians before you get to face the final boss himself.

    What is Karuak Ceremony?

    The Karuak Ceremony is one of the most popular and varied events in Rise of Kingdoms, thanks to its massive rewards and diverse form of interactions that it has to offer for the players. During the event, players will have to summon a challenger and keep defeating in order to earn rewards.

    Achieve high level possible as you can to obtain awesome rewards, including Golden Sculptures. The Karuak Ceremony has a duration of 4 days where the governors must summon a challenge that depends on its strength based on the level of difficulty from:

    §  Easy

    §  Normal

    §  Hard

    §  Nightmare

    §  Hell

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    Here’s game rules for Karuak Ceremony:

    1.  You can pick any difficulty you want but once you pick, you can’t change for the remainder of the event.

    2.  Challengers participate by launching attack or rally attack. But friendly governors can’t join unless you use Help of the Mark.

    3.  If you use a rally attack, you can’t send additional reinforcements.

    4.  Governors who provide assistance to players who need help will get small rewards.

    5.  At the start of the ceremony, all governors get 5 Marks of the Karuak. Unused marks will be reclaimed by the end of the event.

    6.  At the end of the event, all governors will get an occult corresponding to the highest level you completed during the event.

    Game Difficulties:

    In the Karuak Ceremony event, there are several difficulty options to choose from. You can do it easily if you prefer to do it quickly without any frustration. Though, the higher difficulty you are playing on, the bigger and better rewards will be.

    Accordingly to Karuak Ceremony in Rise of Kingdoms, there is difficult options to choose from:

    §  Easy (Least Challenging and fewer rewards)

    §  Normal

    §  Hard

    §  Nightmare

    §  Hell (Most Challenging and better rewards)


    Recommended Commanders for Karuak Ceremony

    In this part, I am going to talk about the best commanders to use for this special event. Since the Karuak are barbarians / neutral units, you will want to pick commanders that excel at dishing out extra damage towards them.

    Here’s a list of starter commanders to choose:

    §  Aethelflaed

    §  Belisarius

    §  Cao Cao

    §  Minamoto

    §  Boudica

    §  Lohar

    §  Keira

    And what about civilizations? At this stage, it probably doesn’t matter that much. However, if you are a min-maxer like me. Then you probably will want to be able to do a little bit extra damage with your troops by playing Arabia or Ottoman with increased skill damage.

    Individual Challengers in Karuak Ceremony

    There are two main type of challengers in Karuak Ceremony: Individual Challenger and Alliance Challenger. In this part, we are going to talk about how to win individual challenger in Karuak Ceremony. Scroll to the next part to find out how you can win the event and earn awesome rewards.

    How to Advance in Karuak Ceremony

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    Karuak Ceremony consists of 50 levels that you must defeat each summoned Karuak barbarian in order to advance. Doing so will require you to expend some of your action points. Before you start, I highly recommend that you have at least a sizable stack of action points potion to recover quickly.

    The cost to send your army to fight Karuak barbarian is 50 action points. Although the cost to summon a Karuak Barbarian is 100 action points. You can reduce that further by using peacekeeping commanders. Not to forget to mention that they do more damage towards them which makes it easier to do this event.

    To advance from level 1 to level 50, you will need to be able to expend at least around 7,500 action points. Which means you need to have at least 100 Action Points x 75 to fully knock out the progress in an individual challenge.

    How to Ask for Help in Karuak Ceremony

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    Each time you ask for help, you expend a mark of Karuak. I only highly recommend doing so if you find yourself struggling or unable to make any further progression. Spending a mark to ask for help will allow your alliance members to jump in and help out with making the push.

    This can be incredibly useful if you are at a high stage as they are especially hard to do so due to barbarians being powerful and equipped with trained troops. Best way to do so is save the marks until you start hitting a stage where it is impossible for you to solo by yourself.

    You also get small rewards if you help out an alliance member of yours who used the mark. Upon using the mark, it will show up in the event tab that gives you the option to help your alliance members defeat their Karuak barbarians.

    Individual Challenger Rewards in Karuak Ceremony

    Here are the individual rewards for beating the last challenger on every difficulty






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    Alliance Challengers in Karuak Ceremony

    In the next part of the Karuak Ceremony event, we are going to talk about alliance challengers. This is similar to the individual challenger, although doing the alliance-wide event will require help from your team members to defeat the challengers.

    How to Do Alliance Karuak Ceremony

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    In Karuak Ceremony, you can launch an alliance event which becomes available after a certain number of alliance members in your alliance beat a specific difficult level. For instance, if you want to be able to do an alliance Karuak Ceremony, you need to have 15 alliance members to beat the event on normal level first before you can do so.

    This will open a new event where you have to battle against Karuak as the raid boss himself. Defeating him will give you massive rewards like teleporter, golden keys, and other goodies that are otherwise not obtainable through individual challenge.

    There are 5 bosses in total that you must defeat in order to move to the next level.


    Unlocked At


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    First of Blades Andaal

    At least 15 alliance members must have completed   Challenge 15 on NORMAL difficulty or   higher

    §  1 x 3-Hour Universal Speedup

    §  1 x 500,000 Food

    §  1 x Teleport

    §  2 x Epic Sculptures

    §  1 x Golden Sculpture

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    Bearkeeper Lukor

    At least 20 alliance members must have   completed Challenge 20 on HARD difficulty   or higher.

    §  1 x 8-Hour Universal Speedup

    §  1 x 500,000 Food

    §  1 x Golden Key

    §  3 x Epic Sculptures

    §  1 x Golden Sculpture


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    At least 25 alliance members must have   completed Challenge 40 on HARD   difficulty or higher.

    §  1 x 15-Hour Universal Speedup

    §  1 x 1,500,000 Food

    §  1 x Golden Key

    §  4 x Epic Sculptures

    §  2 x Golden Sculpture


    rise of kingdoms rssVodoo Priest Pache

    At least 30 alliance members must have   completed Challenge 30 on NIGHTMARE   difficulty or higher.

    §  1 x 24-Hour Universal Speedup

    §  1 x Rare Blueprint

    §  1 x Teleport

    §  5 x Epic Sculptures

    §  2 x Golden Sculpture


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    At least 35 alliance members must have   completed Challenge 35 on HELL   difficulty or higher.

    §  1 x 3-Days Universal Speedup

    §  1 x 1,000 Gems

    §  3 x Golden Stars

    §  2 x Golden Sculptures

    §  1 x Epic Blueprint

    As mentioned before, only Alliance Leader and officers can summon each bosses near their city where alliance members will be able to join. All alliance members can dispatch up to one army to fight against the boss.

    The game mechanics for each bosses are simple as you will only need to have as many alliance members as you can in order to defeat them. Though, the final two bosses Voodoo Priest Pache and Solon Por are difficult since they have healing ability.

    Some of these bosses come with debuff that affect the enemies around them and regain strength when an army is defeated. Thus, it is important to survive and keep some of the armies close enough to exchange the wounded. Do not let your army die at all. If needed to, withdraw them in time and your alliance will be able to win.

    Alliance rewards are based on probability. Not all alliance members will get what they want but the reward probabilities is very good. Only alliance members who joins in the battle will have a good chance to win these awesome rewards


    Useful Game Tips to Win Karuak Ceremony

    There’s quite a few useful game tips you need to know when it comes to playing the Karuak Ceremony event in Rise of Kingdoms. Mainly you will want to use peacekeeping commanders since they can reduce the amount of action points that you spend.

    Make sure that your peacekeeping commanders are specialized with Insight which reduces cost of action point by 9%. You also can further reduce it by keeping your army outside of the city. For each Karuak barbarian that you defeated while keeping your army outside, the cost to spend action points is reduced by 2 up to five times.

    You also can take advantage of buffs and army expansion to increase your combat effectiveness in this event:

    §  Use peacekeeping barbarians.

    §  Activate War Frenzy for extra damage.

    §  Get Damage Rune and activate it.

    §  Use Army Expansion to increase troop capacity.

    §  Pair peacekeeping commander with a commander who has troop capacity skill for higher damage towards barbarians.


    If you see your alliance members need help and they are fighting high-level Karuak barbarians. Go ahead and join them with your other alliance members. The rewards are way much bigger and sometimes I get legendary experience tomes that gives your commanders 50,000 XP plus fancy rewards. Don’t miss it out at all.

    Conclusion of Karuak Ceremony

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    In conclusion, the Karuak Ceremony is one of the best Rise of Kingdoms events for all players, regardless of being P2W and F2P status. Both players can compete all levels and reach rewards without an issues.

    Players will have to commit some effort, ask for help if you can’t defeat the enemies. Most importantly, help your alliance members nonstop 24/7/365 because the amount of rewards that you can reap during the Karuak Ceremony event is massive.

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    Until then, the happy governing governor will continue to follow more news and updates of "Rise of Kingdom"!

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    Karuak ekitaldi onenaren gida Rise of Kingdoms


    Welcome to my guide on Karuak Ceremony for beginners in Rise of Kingdoms rss. Before we talk about the best tips to beat this event and strategies to use. I want to briefly explain what the Karuak Ceremony is about and its purpose.

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