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How to get a kingdom title in the rise of kingdoms
Lastly, if you want to have a smooth and optimal gaming experience. I recommend you to play Rise of Kingdoms PC. It’s faster, smoother and gives you more flexibility to play your favorite game. You also can read my top reasons why I recommend players to play Rise of Kingdoms PC.
These Kingdom Titles are a great way to get small boost for a while but first you need to ask for a title from King, Queen, General or Prime Minister. There’s no duration or limit on how many times you can use the Kingdom titles.
Therefore, it’s important that you ask for a Kingdom title first before upgrading your structures, training troops, and gathering resources. Getting your Kingdom Title while you are upgrading, training or gathering will not have any effect. So don’t be afraid to ask for a Kingdom Title.
When you are done using the Kingdom Title, you need to inform the person who gave it to you so that they can give it to other. Do keep it in your mind that the users who gives out titles are not bots, they are real players so be polite and send nice messages.
While there are several good titles that you definitely will want to scoop up, there’s some bad titles that you should ask for whenever you are attacking other players on the battlefield or city. Just follow the same steps as you would for good titles.
In this list, we are going to share good kingdom titles:
§ Troop Attack + 5%
§ Troop Defense + 5%
§ Troop Health + 5%
§ Gathering Speed + 15%
§ Troop Attack + 5%
§ Troop Defense + 5%
Prime Minister
§ Resource Production + 15%
§ Building Speed + 10%
§ Troop Attack + 5%
§ March Speed + 10%
§ Troop Defense + 5%
§ Training Speed + 10%
§ Building Speed + 10%
§ Research Speed + 5%
§ Gold Gathering Rate + 10%
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In this list, we are going to share bad kingdom titles. Holding these bad titles will impact your ability to grow and usually are assigned by King, Queen, General or Prime Minister. These bad titles are considered as war titles used to weaken a player or enemy.
§ Troop Attack -3%
§ Troop Defense -3%
§ Resource Production – 10%
§ Troop Defense – 5%
§ Troop Health – 5%
§ March Speed – 5%
§ Training Speed – 5%
§ Building Speed – 5%
§ Research Speed: – 5%
When it comes to using the Kingdom Titles to get buff, rise of kingdoms need to remember that they only can be activated by a King. Typically, they will be activated when the King gets a good orange rune.
Imagine this, the King of your kingdom server decides to activate training troops. What does this exactly means for you? In this case, you will get an extra 10% training speed kingdom buff, +15% training speed from the rune. And if you ask for the duke title, that’s another 10% bonus training speed.
As of a result, you will reduce the time of training by a staggering 35%. So, rok rss,yes the Kingdom Titles are a great way to get buffs to help you grow faster, stronger and eventually unlock Tier 5 troops.
Lastly, if you want to have a smooth and optimal gaming experience. I recommend you to play Rise of Kingdoms PC. It’s faster, smoother and gives you more flexibility to play your favorite game. You also can read my top reasons why I recommend players to play Rise of Kingdoms PC.
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Until then, the happy governing governor will continue to follow more news and updates of "Rise of Kingdom"!